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Comeback with Erica Cobb

Aug 28, 2022

Jaray Daniel is an accomplished make-up artist who has slayed the faces of some of our favorite television personalities, politicians and entertainers. He also happens to be our make-up artist for the past 5 seasons of the nationally syndicated daytime talk show, Daily Blast Live. I sat down with Jaray in Vegas...

Aug 23, 2022

Melody Shari, star of Love & Marriage: Huntsville stopped by Comeback studios in Vegas for a truly candid talk.  Melody is not only a star and producer on OWN's "Love & Marriage: Huntsville" hit reality show, but also the CEO of a multi-million-dollar property preservation business, mother of four and founder of Seventh...

Aug 14, 2022

Marcellas Reynolds joined "Comeback" to dish on his best-selling books Supreme Actresses: Iconic Black Women Who Revolutionized Hollywood, and Supreme Models: Iconic Black Women Who Revolutionized Fashion.  
Marcellas and I got into all sorts of unexpected tea about his experience as the first Black openly gay man on...