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Comeback with Erica Cobb

May 29, 2023

My Sister Ebonie returns for this bonus episode where we discuss vacation anxiety, how we deal with disrespect and our new feature "The Great Sibling Debate."  We break down how Ebonie ended up on Android Island and I make my case for family phone unity!
Join me Friday, June 16th in Denver for the LIVE...

May 22, 2023

My little Sister Ebonie joins me for some conversations about what’s happening in our lives. These bonus episodes will bring you along for the ride of our current comeback seasons, reminiscent of how my “Comeback” brand started in 2016. So engage with us along the way, it takes a village to make a comeback and...

May 14, 2023

We all fell in love with the transparency and compassion of Gammy on the highly successful Facebook Watch show, "Red Table Talk" - where Gammy came to the table alongside her daughter, Jada Pinkett-Smith, and Granddaughter, Willow Smith, each episode.  But did you know that Gammy retired from the nursing profession...