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Comeback with Erica Cobb

Jun 21, 2020

My special guest this week is my dear friend, the AMAZING Mila Jam!

Mila is an American transgender singer, songwriter, dancer, actress and LGBTQ activist is a voice you must hear, and we break it ALL down ending with a special feature of her song... "Better Days'.

Love you Comeback...

Jun 15, 2020

So much has been going on and there have been a LOT of conversations recently about a LOT of things. Some of them comfortable, and some not so comfortable. 

This week is a special episode of my BLM interview w/ the Rick and Sasha Morning Show w/ George Willborn.

We talked BLM, voter suppression and the need for...

Jun 7, 2020

I often say, everyone is deserving of the Comeback they're willing to earn, and in this climate, I think it's time for the World to make a Comeback of its own. 

We need to look at the wrongs in our past, and rectify those wrongs to be a part of a better everyone can be a part of the solution. 

Thank you to...